Family Check Up Bookings
dentistry made simple
Work/Life Balance
We understand the rigours of family life very well. Going anywhere can be a trauma of monumental proportions, especially when you are trying to get to appointments with children who are keen to do anything but oblige. There is the balancing of school-life and hobbies, booking of appointments at a time suitable to all, finding parking in the midst of rush hour (something that is next to impossible in most parts of Dublin). For these very reasons here at Killiney Dental we have come up with a few solutions to minimise the stress of families and children attending our practice.

Afterschool until 7pm
At Killiney Dental we want your children’s teeth to have the best start in life. Most phobias stem from early childhood traumas and we are acutely aware of our responsibility to nurture your children so they are unafraid of dentists and have the information and tools to take care of their teeth long into their adult lives.
Habits of a life are forged in childhood after all, so to this end we recommend bringing your children with you to the dentists from birth. They do not have to sit in the chair until they are good and ready. But by allowing them the opportunity to observe their trusted parents in a safe environment undergoing routine examinations, it will give them the confidence to attend themselves when the time is right. We have appointments available until 7:00pm at night in order to facilitate working moms and dads.

When and why?
We normally recommend that all children should ideally begin to attend for examinations from the age of three onwards.
Our child examinations are normally a gentle affair. We focus on reassuring the child, advising parents on diet and any prospective orthodontic issues, and by showing them how to care for their teeth through the use of dental models and child-friendly pictures. Older children may be suitable for fissure sealants to prevent decay in the permanent back teeth or may need a direct referral to our in-house orthodontist. Any of your kids who play contact sports can have their very own personalised sports guard made in any colour combination imaginable.
Every child who attends will, of course, leave with the traditional sticker. As parents of three kids under six, we know how varied children’s tastes can be. They even chose the characters for us, so the sticker options cover everything from spiderman to princesses and the dark knight himself..
Dentistry does not have to be boring, especially for your kids!

Appointments for all
Here at Killiney Dental, we prioritise your family’s needs by reserving blocks of time from 3-7pm to allow the entire family to attend together after work or school. If you would like to make a family booking, please contact us on (01) 285 9067 or send us an email to and we will respond within 24 hours. Alternatively, follow the link below and make an online booking today. We will also send annual family reminders for you to attend for your routine check ups. This can be by text, phone, email or letter. Just let our receptionist know whichever method you would prefer.

Take it easy
Why not book online?
We have flexible appointment times, both early and late, from 8:30am-9pm